Tagged: Video

This is our life

We were blessed with a boy, and now this is our life! Boundless energy, general curiousness, and a daredevil. The other day...

Boys will be boys

Like most boys Nate likes to run, fall, get dirty, climb on everything. And as of today we can add...


The whole family went for a walk on the weekend and stopped by the park at the school to play...

Can stacking!

A few days ago Erik sent me a BBM, “Nate is a cup stacking master”. Apparently, Nate walked into daycare...

Curious George

Netflix has again delivered some great child programming. Nathan has been binging on Curious George, and he likes it so much that...

Videos galore!

The past couple days Nate has kept us needing to keep our BlackBerry cameras close. If you missed his walking...

First few steps!

Weeks ago our little monster decided to take his first steps for Erik, then refused to take any for me....

The ghost of Nathan

When you have a baby there are always blankets hanging around. So it only makes sense that you would toss...