Tagged: Nathan

Bee sting

Today at school Nate got his first bee string 🙁 Luckily it was just on his finger, so even though...

Nate dawwwg

Nate has recently turned into a little singing machine. There are a few favourites he’s started to sing with pretty good clarity....

Family Day Baking

After spending the first part of the long weekend finishing turning our guest room into a convertible office/guest room, by...

Love You

This Christmas we received the best present of all. Nate said “love you, Mommy” and “love you, Daddy” for the...


Nate’s vocabulary is growing every day but sometimes they don’t quite make it out in an understandable way. Overtime and with...

Gymnastics… Success?

A couple of weeks ago Nate finished his gymnastics classes, and to call them a complete success might be a...

Buried dog

I love these two! Guinness is so patient with Nate, and clearly doesn’t care that Nate is trying to bury...